Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Life Achievements and Awards Of AMANAH HEART

From our experience in school back in the year 2010, we had simply created history and magnificent achievements for our class 5 Amanah and SMK USJ 13. There were several achievements which we managed to achieve them through leadership, teamwork and hardwork. They were shown as below:

Pertandingan Kelas Terbersih Sesi Pagi SMK USJ 13 2010
Tempat ketiga ( 3rd place )
Victory Day for class 5 Amanah SMK USJ 13 2010.
This is a sign of victory to all the students of 5 Amanah

Another picture which is shown below is related to the accounting quiz team which was sent by our school to compete against our school throughout the entire nationwide. As a result, they created history for our school and our class as well when they clinched the second prize in the 6th Taylor Business School Inter-School Accounting Quiz. The group sent to Malacca was compromised of Goh Kah Hong, Lee Siew Yen, Liow Wan Cheng, Zoe Tong and Carmen Chai. Congratulations to them and wish them the best of luck in the near future.

In our history, we also managed to clinch second spot behind 3 Berlian in the `Hiasan Terbaik Sambutan Kemerdekaan Negara Ke 52' in 29th August 2009. In 2010, our country 53rd independence day was celebrated on 31st August 2010. Our class managed to clinch first spot in the `Kuiz Mengenali Tokoh Sejarah Negara Tingkatan 5 ' through their class monitor Wayne Teh. Another competition which was known as `Kuiz Kemerdekaan' was participated by Yeoh Li Ching. She eventually clinched third place in the competition.

Our class were involved in the Maths and Science Week.  We got the opportunity to present our song known as the `Cow Song' in front of the entire school.  To watch our performance, log into this link as shown in below. If you want to  sing along with us, there is a written lyric below the link. This song was composed by Phang Mun Hong and played by guitarist Fatin Athira Mustapha.


Verse1 (Rock) :
One day when I saw this big cow,
How its tummy works I don't know how,
Maybe Pn Haslida can tell me now.

Its just like you,
Its just like me,
The cows like you,
The cows like me,

Just sing along,
and then you'll see,
It may be wrong,
but its so funny.

The cow has chambers,
they're oh so great,
the number of chambers is 32 divided by 8
(which is 4)

rumen, reticulum, its all in the curriculum,
omasum, abomasum, its just so AWESOME!
when the grass goes in they regurgitate,
the grass then changes into its mushy state,
we all know an enzyme called cellulase,
it breaks down cellulose and thats the case!


And thats what teacher taught me,
on cows and their big tummy,
but poor little marry,
couldnt get the theory,
so she made up her own story.

(cries for Mary)

Mary has a tibia, fibula, patella,
Mary has a humerus, a radius and ulna.

We also took part in a futsal competition which was held at the U-One Sports Complex which was demolished soon due to rental expiry date. We entered into the tournament known as JSAS FC ( Amanah Heart FC ). JSAS FC ( AMANAH HEART FC) ,THE ONE AND ONLY 5 AMANAH FOOTBALL CLUB WHO DID A FANTASTIC JOB IN FINISHING THIRD PLACE DURING THEIR CHARITY FUND- RAISING FUTSAL TOURNAMENT AT THE U-ONE SPORTS CENTRE, USJ 1 ON FRIDAY,19 MARCH 2010.  There are several pictures of our glory moment as shown in below:

Whatever you are, whoever you are, you will gain fame. You can shine no matter what happened. You will be a true CHAMPION for a lifetime.

Move Forward And Never Back Down Easily!! Remain Strong , Remain United!!!

Final Countdown And Farewell

After going through a tough four-week hurdle of SPM Examination, the eventual nightmare was finally over after giving every single effort on our study. We were freed at last from tension and stress. Since then, there was no single meeting of our members of 5 Amanah until a farewell meeting was held at Hutan Lipur  Kanching. Unfortunately only 11 members were available for their trip to the wood. There are several pictures below which are captured as great memory of class 5 Amanah before heading to college life. The pictures below were taken by Phang Mun Hong. A scheduled meeting and possible reunion of 5 Amanah will take place in 2040.



Mid-Year of 2010 And Towards SPM Examination

After undergoing both examination in March and May 2010 respectively , some of our students were on high and low. We could not afford to put up a below par-performance. We knew we had a true mission to achieve the best for ourselves, to our class and the school as well. We placed great effort and positive concentration on our studies. Time for us to play games was over. Its time for the prince and princesses to perform the best dance in the ballroom. WE HAVE ONE MISSION!! ONE OBJECTIVE!!! ONE SPIRIT FOR SPM ( Sijil Pelajatan Malaysia ).  GO FOR 10 A+!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!! Kami akan membuktikan bahawa 5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 BOLEH MENCAPAI KECERMERLANGAN 2010!!!



History of 5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 2010 Part 2

If you look back at your moment of your life back in school, you will miss your friends very much. If you are ready to look our real history, you will have to organize a reunion meeting with  your best friends first. Let me take you to the unlocked secret pictures in the class of 5 Amanah in the historic year of 2010.

OUR SURPRISE 5A CLASS DINNER was held at Sunway Lagoon on 20th February 2010, Saturday. These are the following pictures which are shown below:

Let me introduce you to the Gentlemen and the Ladies:

At that time, there were some of our friends who went back to Kampung due to Chinese New Year Festival. The actual number of students present in our class was supposed to be 40 students. Anyway, the event was amazing and extraordinary. We will be having our reunion within 30 years from now which is the year of 2040. We will be old grandpa and grandma at that moment.

Friday, December 10, 2010

History of 5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 2010 Part 1

Whoever we are, we are ready to seek a new challenge and hope for the entire nation. On that day a new beginning was on our sight. We Come, We See, We Face The Future.

1 MALAYSIA 5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 2010 is a group which is formally established on 29th January 2010, Friday. It is a group compromising of many intelligent and out-grown teenagers who are ready to face the dominant world. Our objective is to achieve straight ` A+ ' ahead of our SPM Examination 2010 and achieve our rightful hope and dream towards our ambition. Let us bring you into the secret and life of Amanah Heart.  The key to the door of our real life is about to be shared to the world. Say our greetings to the Little Mr Pasker The Mini Locker.  Magic is everywhere!!                           

Main Entrance To The Magical Mysterious And Funny Tour In The Amanah Heart

Let me give you a brief introduction to our dear class teacher, Puan Norsairah binti Che Kassim. She teaches us Modern Maths and she has done well indeed to serve us the best for us to achieve straight`A+'s in our SPM examination. Hopefully she will continue her service as a great teacher for the sake of her students.
To place her in our memory forever, this picture might be good as usual eventhough its black and white background:

Before that, we would like to serve you as our finest guests. If you find anything wrong, please do not hesitate to make objection upon our great Welcome Service:

Thank you for your attention and do have your seats. Please make sure you are in the proper attire before you take a seat. Everyone, please join me on this remarkable documentary of our great life in 5 Amanah.
Down below are the true and unlocking scenes of 5 AMANAH Class Of 2010 from SMK USJ 13:

To learn more on our pictures, log into this link below:  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=276505269563&v=wall&viewas=0

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life After PMR 2008 Examination

The lower secondary life was over. All the Form 3 students in SMK USJ 13 who took the examination shared some joy and despair with their respective teachers. They somehow really appreciated the help and guidance by their teachers. They have finally achieved straight `A's in their PMR examination. Everyone was celebrating in joy and there could be no celebration for Wayne after travelling to Hong Kong before the result was made. He received a good news from his father that he got straight `A's. Those who had set a minimum target unexpectedly achieved the impossible. We have also seen Nurul Nadirah been known as Best PMR student in 2008. Anyway, congratulations to all classes of Form 3 in 2008 for achieving your best.

The next level was the high secondary level. Some friends were reunited or could be separated from classmates when coming to placing of students in 9 respective classes which were as followed:
  1. 4/5 Amanah
  2. 4/5  Bakti
  3. 4/5  Cekal
  4. 4/5  Dinamik
  5. 4/5  Efesien
  6. 4/5  Fitrah
  7. 4/5  Gigih
  8. 4/5  Harmoni
  9. 4/5  Ikhlas
These classes had their respective mission to achieve the epic glory for themselves and school ahead of the SPM Examination 2010.

History Of SMK USJ 13

SMK USJ 13 is a secondary school situated in UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
The school was established in year 2000 and officially handed over to Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (Ministry of Education) by Sime Development Sdn. Bhd. in May 2000. On the 5th of May, it was handed over to the school principal, Pn. Hajah Robiah bt. Abdul Hamid. The school was available for studies starting from 3 July 2000 with a workforce of 17 teachers and 386 students.
The school has some new structures such as the Walkway with roof and the grand stage at the Dataran Gemilang, and the building has been repainted. The school consists of 31 classrooms, six labs, one soccer field, one basketball court, two badminton courts and seven living skills workshops. This school is still operational from 2000 until today.

Welcome To The Dream Of Amanah Heart

5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 2010

Bersama-sama kita menuju ke arah kecemerlangan 2010.
5 Amanah pasti boleh. Kibarlah jalur gemilang. Hidup 1 Malaysia. Hidup satu bangsa malaysia yang utuh.1 MALAYSIA => 5 AMANAH SMK USJ 13 2010 is a group formed under the banner of SMK USJ 13 school and Malaysia . We are given the upper task of updating specific news, updates, notifications and necessary events. Also, please be reminded that this group is formed under the approval of our beloved Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak and other fellow malaysians. Come together as one big family to establish a better community of malaysia. Join 5A TV NETWORK and ANTLOMCA CORPS which are part of this group's branch on facebook now.



